I’ve had this app since it was first released. I’m very pleased with its ease of use and functionality.
I’ve had this app since it was first released. I’m very pleased with its ease of use and functionality.
The information is nearly instantaneous. Living in earthquake rich territory makes this app indespensable. When I feel shaking I open the app and within minutes have magnitude, location, depth, and distance from where I am. No frills, just solid science and up to the minute seismic information.
QuakeWatch is a good app. It works as advertised. My only real problem is there seems to be no way to contact the developer. When I go to the link to contact the developer all I get is a 404 error. Does that mean there's going to be no future updates?
If you want to keep track of earth quakes around they globe, this is the app to have!
I go to set up my notification settings for sound and such and it’s not in my notification settings at all !!! Very sad !!
Good app., but Closest and Nearest mean the same thing. So why are they BOTH tabs along with Latest and Biggest. Which are vastly different unlike closest and nearest which like I said are the same thing, exactly. We don’t need both just Latest and Biggest and Closest OR Nearest.
In accurate information and names of towns and regions names omission in the world map.
i’d like to be able to filter ‘depths’ of quakes like you can richter scale. that would allow a better view of the more dangerous shallow quakes of 20km or less, and where and when they occur.
Very useful.
Works well
I’ve had this app for ages and it works great every time. I just felt an earthquake, opened the app & it shows where, when & how strong. Thanks for making this app!
This is such a great App. So simple to use & customize. Latest info is posted rather quickly. Lots of great features. Best 0.99¢ I’ve ever spent.
We're still getting sizable aftershocks post 7.1 earthquake in California, including a 5.5, and no mention of it in the app, despite refreshing it several times.
Easy to use, lots of data, but never shows the quakes that hit Hawaii. We had a 5.3 yesterday, that didn't show up on the app. No idea why; a couple of years ago Hawaii quakes showed up, but not now.
Simple, free, and works well.
I have had this app for a few years now and I’m very pleased with it. 1/2/2019
Looking for a new Earthquake AP. This one is very slow in reporting/updating the information .
Because this app pulls from numerous sources and not JUST USGS-who have a reputation for under-reporting or even NOT reporting quakes which may affect their corporate sponsors-after trying NUMEROUS quake apps, I ALWAYS return to this one. My only problem has been notifications. But, now I have an app that ONLY gives push notifications, (not much detail), and I can just open THIS app for all my detail! Have also recommended to fellow Dutch-watchers. While I personally have only experienced a few quakes personally and live in a rather low risk zone; after the Aug ‘11 quake knocked my building off its foundation here in Pa; and I have friends & family in high-risk zones, I prefer to keep INFORMED & PREPARED!
This app is great, but I remember when I first downloaded this app, a few months back, I was able to zoom into an area, much closer than I can now.. what happened to the pixels? It’s not as clear anymore.. I liked it before when I could see exactly what the terrain looks like, where the quake hit. I would really appreciate if you could fix that issue! Thanks!!
This should be on everyone’s phone or tablet right beside their favorite weather app! I have been using this app for years, and it just keeps getting better. There is so much to learn from QuakeWatch. Real-time information always fascinates me. I highly recommend this excellent app.
I have used this app for years and it is very reliable and easy to use. I’m from Southern California and my family lives in Northern California. As soon as I feel movement I start checking the app to see where and how big it was. Love it.
Looks amazing on iPad!! Thanks👍😍👌 aloha. Love the fun facts best earthquake app in da world !!
I've been using this app a couple of years. It is very scientific and super interesting. I'm not in an earthquake zone but if I was on the west coast this would be an app I would use everyday. The interface could not be better. The developers hit a homerun! Great work Quakewatch!
I tried quite few apps. I love this app easy and well designed
Have used this app for over 5 years its accurate and not hard to navigate its my choice because I live in SanBernardino on top the san andereas fault
Love this app but for some reason cannot share it on Twitter! Why not?
I have to say after trying about 15 earthquake apps, i have found this one to be the easiest and nicest to use. The data is presented very well on the list page and the fonts are readable. Also the map is reasonably well done. By the way, the ability to adjust font size is much appreciated. Thank you! The one function this app is lacking is push notifications. I read once where they have some agreement not to do notices but that greatly reduces this app's value as you have to have a different earthquake app with notices to know an earthquake just happened and where so you can look them up on this one. In time, everyone will just stop using (and purchasing) this app if the developers don't add that functionality.
Previously I used the extension "Quake Alert"for Chrome. Since it stopped working correctly I began an app search and after careful consideration I decided to use "QUAKEWATCH." The best quake monitoring app I have ever seen. I love its versatility and ease of use. Very informative, loads quickly, & provides all the details one would look for in a quake app. I highly recommend this app if you are a geology enthusiast. Great app for beginners to teachers.
2.20.17. Nice update better options and all issues fixed
The best app for earthquakes!!! It works well after the update. Thank you. Please check the INGV data, it is missing the depth.
I really love this app. It has the best and easiest layout of all the quake apps. It has a lot of information that's easy to access. However I just noticed recently that the information is delayed a lot of times, sometimes by hours and a few times it was more than a day. It didn't used to be like that. Please fix this issue. Also what would make this app a lot greater is if it had an alert that you can set for earthquakes happening around you. With a cool alert sound. The other thing that would be really cool is if the fault lines were added to the map. That would take a little time but it would be nice to just have the major ones on the map, at least in California. I would definitely like to delete my other earthquake apps, but they're the only one that alerts me with a voice that says "an earthquake has occurred!" And the other has a map of the faults. Would be nice to have it all in one app. If you could very soon, add an alert option at least, that would make this a 5 star rated app. I look forward to the next update.
Always used and loved this app. The latest update is not loading properly.
Love this app my favorite, just got upgraded.
When I first got this app years ago, it worked really good. In time with app updates, the pin bubble details have been done away with.
please fix the app.... doesn't work correctly on ios 10. i have friends in NZ and i can't provide them good information.
It worked this morning when we had a 3.8 quake 4 miles away at a depth of 25 miles. The quake was felt and the app activated. It did its job for me.
Very intuitive and easy to understand
Great app
I love the app… But until it quits telling me that the closest earthquake is in eastern Turkey, when I'm actually in Texas, I'm a bit disappointed.
I live in an earthquake prone area on the north coast of California. There was a hiccup recently with the USGS feeds, but the response of the developer corrected the issue. I have been using this app for several years, and I have tried others to track earthquakes. This app has been my go to app because it gives me the local coverage I want. Props to the developer for being responsive to issues. I like the pin colors that vary with magnitudes.👍
This app hasn't been updated since August of 2014, no wonder it isn't accurate anymore, use to be a great app
It works for a little bit then unable to get the USGS feed. I emailed EQwatch and got an immediate response and everything worked. I love this app.
I have used this app for a long time. I live in Nevada,and just yesterday there were Earthquakes in the area and was posted soon after . I love the map that shows the quake location. Thank you for this great app.
Terry has done an amazing job of growing this app over the years. It is the app I check when I hear about a quake. His app gives you all the background about the event that you could possibly want.
This app is best go to for latest earthquakes anywhere in the world.
Tried to download on 3 devices, keeps putting my location in wrong place.
This app exemplifies the benefits of bringing different technologies together to change how we see our world. Living in Southern California, I put this on my iPhone's home page years ago and often show it to people when I am traveling. The way the app slices and dices the data is great, allowing you quick access to what is locally relevant and well as a global view. Definitely a "must have" app for global citizens.
No longer getting notifications. Earthquake results are days old. Use to be a great app but not so much now.
Great App. Have had it for years. I live in California where we get a lot of quakes. It's nice to be able to see how many and how close they are each day. With iOS 9 they had a few bugs, but after emailing Terry, he fixed them right away and now the app is back to great.